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Building Your Dog Community

You’ve probably heard the phrase “it takes a village to raise a child”, well it also takes a community to raise a dog…and I am lucky enough to live in one of the best dog communities in the lower mainland.  Not only are there a ton of friendly people with dogs to go for walks with, trade information and training tips or hang out at the dog park, they’re also the type of people who are quick to offer a helping hand if you need it.

Yesterday was a prime example of what I’m talking about. I had plans to help a friend out with some reno work in his apartment and with moving some stuff out to the dump. Originally I had planned to take Avy with me but realized fairly quickly that she would most likely be in the way and it wouldn’t be a very fun day for her.

Not sure what to do I sent out an SOS text to one of my neighbours – the lovely Heidi – and her dog Kane to see if they could help out. Without hesitation I got a return text that said “of course!” So while I was off helping a friend Avy was playing with Kane, going for walks and spending time over at Heidi’s getting lots of love. When I got home hours later I was met by a very tired and happy dog.

It’s not the first time that one of my dog friends has stepped up to help, and I would return the favour in a heartbeat, it’s just the kind of community that we have and I (and Avy) couldn’t be happier.

If you have a new dog consider making the effort to building your dog community. You will meet a lot of other dog people when you are out on your walks. Take the time to get to know them, and for your dog to get to know there dog. Go for walks together and form a friendship. Having other people close by who can give you a helping hand, and for whom you can return the favour, is truly invaluable.

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