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McGill Park (on-leash), Vancouver, BC

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1 Reviews on “McGill Park (on-leash), Vancouver, BC”

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  • EastVanDan

    McGill is a nice .19 acre park. It’s a “backyard” or community courtyard for area residents to picnic, suntan, play catch & sports, etc. The entire park is an ON-LEASH area. Recent, regular and ongoing (09/2022 – 08/2023) off-leash activity by a group of about 8 dog-handlers has prevented local residents from using the park as we have in the past. We have been advised by the City of Vancouver Parks Board, and Animal Control officers, to photograph off-leash dogs and their handlers, for identification and ticketing purposes. Dog handlers who harass/intimidate local residents and (non-dog owning or leashed dog) park users will be reported to the police. Leashed animals that aren’t nuisance barkers and don’t prevent members of the community from also using the park, are always welcome!

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