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West End Veterinary Clinic, Vancouver, BC


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1 Reviews on “West End Veterinary Clinic, Vancouver, BC”

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  • Kristina

    You should never bring your pet to this clinic and here is why – my cat passed away just hours after being discharged from this clinic. Doctors’ name – Helene Childs, who used extremely harsh drugs to sedate my cat (18 years old) for examination purposes. After such horrifying loss and shock, I reached out to the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia (CVBC) and submitted a complaint asking to evaluate Childs’ competence, knowledge and actions. After a thorough investigation by CVBC (over a year), all my concerns were vindicated, and it was concluded that Childs must complete a course in sedation protocols for senior patients. Additionally, she has to take a course how to organize, record, save and store files, estimates and information about each patient in this clinic as the investigation revealed a lack of basic principles running a clinic, in my case my file didn’t have any information about doses used for sedation or any record about my phone call to the clinic expressing concerns about my cats’ behavior after I brought her home (she was super confused, was hiding under the bed, saliva didn’t stop running and most important – she was not able to blink…). Furthermore – the estimate, which would reveal precise doses of drugs Childs used for sedation and recovery, got mysteriously deleted from her computer. How convenient!
    This message is for all pet owners like me, who had trust in professionals, just some professionals should never pretend they are ones. Find a professional doctor. You will protect yourself and save your beloved one.

    1. Our sincerest condolences Kristina. We’re so sorry to hear about your experience. Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We’ve taken the additional step of taking screenshots of the Consent Resolutions from the College of Veterinarians of British Columbia (CVBC) and adding them to your comment/review for additional context and verification.

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