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All Parks in Victoria

Beacon Hill Park (off-leash dog park) at Dallas Road Waterfront, Victoria, BC

Oswald Park (off-leash dog park), Victoria, BC

Arbutus Park (off-leash dog park), Victoria, BC

Beaver Lake Regional Park (off-leash dog park), Victoria, BC

Alexander Park (off-leash dog park), Victoria, BC

Victoria West Park (off-leash dog park), Victoria, BC

On-leash Parks

Gonzales Park and Beach (on-leash), Victoria, BC

Pemberton Park (off-leash dog park), Victoria, BC

Banfield Park (off-leash dog park), Victoria, BC

Topaz Park (off-leash dog park), Victoria, BC

Redfern Park (off-leash dog park), Victoria, BC

Songhees Hillside Park (off-leash dog park), Victoria, BC

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